facebook business manager

  • how to create an account

    You need a personal Facebook account to start, then the process is simple: you need to go to the Facebook Business Manager page and click the Create an Account button, then enter the name of your business and email address. Then add a Facebook ads account to your Business Manager.

    To add a new Facebook ad account, go to Business Settings in Business Manager, click on Accounts, and then click on Add Accounts. You should see a dropdown menu with 3 options, one of which being to add a new account. Then proceed to complete the process.

    To add people to Business Manager, go to Business Settings, click Add People, and type the email address of the person you want to invite. Lastly, click Next and select the role you want to assign. Remember to also give access to the appropriate Facebook Page and ad account.

    If you can’t add the current ad account to your Business Manager, you may not have confirmed your payment method yet.